If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, even if you don’t know why, try some stream of consciousness journaling. Don’t worry about what you’re going to say, spelling, grammar, or even handwriting. Nobody is going to read it. Just sit down and write until you run out of thoughts. Your mind will be a lot easier to navigate when you are finished!
Stress and overwhelm happen to the best of us, and have a tendency to sneak up on us. Sometimes it is very clear what we feel and why we feel that way, and other times it might be a jumbled pile of little things or just an unclear bad feeling handing over you. Some of us also have a hard time quieting our minds at night (I know I do!). There are just so many things running through the mind, jumping from topic to topic, doing stress gymnastics while we’re trying to wind down.
If this stress, overwhelm, and busy mind are things that you experience, there is a strategy that you can use to help manage your stress and quiet your mind. This strategy is called Stream of Consciousness Writing. What that means is that you just write whatever you are thinking. You might have no idea what you’re going to say, or where you will end up. You just write. Don’t worry about if it makes sense or flows, don’t worry if your handing is messy, don’t worry if you make a million spelling or grammar mistakes. Nobody is going to read it, probably not even you.
The process of writing whatever pops into your head allows you to process it on a more conscious level and see how these topics are connected. Keep writing until you don’t have anything left to say. Writing it all out helps you process it and you’re no longer holding it in the back of your mind. It helps your thoughts slow and your mind calm down. Your mind will be a lot easier to navigate when you’re finished.
If you are having a hard time falling asleep, or you are feeling stressed and you find yourself trying to distract your mind, try stream of consciousness writing. If you need help with stress management or sleep hygiene, please feel free to book an appointment or contact us.